Friday 11 October 2013

Frabjous day

Callooh! Callay! she chortled in her joy........

The last two pieces of the 'jigsaw' arrived this morning and I could feel the huge tension balloon deflate instantly like it had been pricked with a pin.  The end is in sight ...........

four lovely cakes

My four lovely cakes from Life of Riley made just for me - seek her out - buy her lace too!  Here they are in situ........

And last but in no way least ................

the epitome of a fifties kitchen

Anyone in this game for five minutes must know Jane Harrop's glorious kits.  Go visit if you haven't been for a while - there's new stuff all the time in one scale or another.

My all pervading memory of my childhood kitchen cabinet is not a happy one. My mother and a neighbour were sitting 'canting' in the front room, as all good Brummies of those days would say, and I was in the kitchen making myself a cheese sandwich.  This entailed opening the cabinet and chopping the cheese on the enamel chopping surface.  Not a great range of knives in our house so I chose a large sharp one, against my mother's advice.  Clunk, clunk, clunk followed by a blood-curdling scream from me as I noticed little bits of my cheese seemed to be moving...... what ever happened to cheese maggots?  The extent of my mother's sympathy was to tell me off for making such a fuss and worrying her and Mrs Manton - they thought I 'd chopped a finger off judging by the screams.

(Anyone watching Peaky Blinders?  That was my mother's Birmingham and was an expression I knew - I just thought it meant a bit of a rogue)

So,the last make for this project (for now) is a kitchen cabinet.  I am about to recreate a bit of my childhood in the cabinet and maybe even the cheese, but probably not the maggots.


  1. Hi Em! Just getting ready to head off to work when this post caught my attention so I must be brief, which is so unlike me! hahah Your chocolate cakes are WONDERFUL! They look Superb and what a relief to have the window dressed so beautifully. Congratulations for getting it done! Also wish to say that the memories that are held over from our pasts often spill out into our presents! Anything that comes with a story always seem to be the most gripping and interesting to us and others. Yours about the cheese maggots was how I recall feeling about the tiny weevils that use to be in the HUGE bags of rice that my dad use to bring home. Uggg! My mother told me just recently when we were reminiscing that where I was aghast at finding them in the rice, she never paid them any mind.
    If they didn't get washed away before they went into the pot then she considered them as Protein!
    Really???? It has scared me for life.
    To this very day, I search my rice before cooking and look elsewhere for my protein substitutes.:D


  2. Just to really worry you - my only face to face encounter with weevils was only a couple of years ago in flour in Florida. My flour is decanted into a large glass jar and when I disturbed it using it I thought I kept seeing a black fleck out of the corner of my eye. When this has had happened a few times I decided to sieve it - wish I hadn't!!! So 'in the olden days' they didn't fine sieve flour to add air like I was told, they must have sieved it for weevils. I then Googled them and discovered there were rice ones too!! They are still around!!!!!!!!!!!! Think my mom called them soakies. Too squeamish me - Yup.


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